quarta-feira, setembro 21, 2005

One moment/one day

sugestões de um dia e de um momento...no mundo:)

"Peace one day"
"Plot Outline: The story of Jeremy Gilley's attempts to persuade the global community via the United Nations to sanction officially a day without conflict; a ceasefire day; a global day of Peace.

21 September : Make peace not war

"One Moment In The World"
She says, "I kept going between Mad's country and refugee camps or war zones to Hollywood and all these odd places and then seeing the world at all these different times."Then it became this kind of crazy adventure of organising a lot of people and gathering over 30 crews of people and sending them across the world to all these places.
"On January 11th (05) we all opened up our cameras at the exact same time, coordinated across the world for three minutes."."

(documentary, Produced by A. Jolie:)


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