
Charles Robert Anon, H. M. F. Lecher, Alexander Search, Alberto Caeiro, Álvaro de Campos, Ricardo Reis, Alberto Caeiro, Bernardo Soares, Fernando Pessoa...
"«I love my dreams», I said, a winter morn, To the practical man, and he, in scorn Replied: «I am no slave of the Ideal, But, as all men of sense, I love the Real.» Poor fool, mistaking all that is and seems! I love the real when I love my dreams." Alexander Search
"I am the escaped one, After I was born They locked me up inside me But I left. My soul seeks me, Through hills and valley, I hope my soul Never finds me."
"Whether we write or speak or do but look We are ever unapparent. What we are Cannot be transfused into word or book, Our soul from us is infinitely far. However much we give our thoughts the will To be our soul and gesture it abroad, Our hearts are incommunicable still. In what we show ourselves we are ignored. The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged By any skill of thought or trick of seeming. Unto our very selves we are abridged When we would utter to our thought our being. We are our dreams of ourselves souls by gleams, And each to each other dreams of others' dreams."
"Quanto mais eu sinta, quanto mais eu sinta como várias pessoas, Quanto mais personalidades eu tiver, Quanto mais intensamente, estridentemente as tiver, Quanto mais simultaneamente sentir com todas elas, Quanto mais unificadamente diverso, dispersadamente atento, Estiver, sentir, viver, for, Mais possuirei a existência total do universo, Mais completo serei pelo espaço inteiro fora."
“I know not what tomorrow will bring” » “Eu não sei o que o amanhã trará”
compreendi (só) agora quem comentou na Bcr com Pernando Pessoa! Apanhada! Mãos aos ar. isto é um assalto!
k? quem disse....
eles andem aí:)
tragam mas é as soopassss pá
que isto está a ficar chaaattooooo
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